Glass Geometry
Polyhedra is a hanging glass installation whose geometric basis is the platonic body dodecahedron. Specifically, it gives the impression that a so-called small stellated dodecahedron is enclosed by a truncated dodecahedron star. In fact, the object consists of 12 separate, sealed glass bodies which lie in a stainless steel construction and are made of different coloured and colourless pieces of glass.
Polyhedra is not only a geometric object but also a colour and light experiment: the superimposition of blue and yellow glass pieces creates green-turquoise colour mixtures that are barely distinguishable from the actual turquoise glass pieces. With the help of a spotlight, this play of light is projected from the object onto the wall behind it.
The installation can be associated with models of mathematical virology. Together with the icosahedron, the dodecahedron forms the basic shape of many viruses. Coloured visualisations of virus protein shells and their basic geometric structures, used in science, have a similar appearance to Polyhedra.
Size: max. Ø 120 cm
Materials: float glass, genuine antique glass, stainless steel, UV glue, EPDM, PVC
Weight: ~ 60 kg
Year: 2024
Participant: Michael Gassebner